As I sit here typing away,my slightly chubby little son is intensely inspecting some weird toy that is designed to maintain the interest of miniture humans.The designers of these toys figured out that a myriad of bright colors,a mirror,a blue elephant head with crinkly ears and a plastic star will hold the attention of a future man for a decent amount of time.Maybe they added some flavouring.He seems to enjoy sucking on it.I'll have to try it later when he's not watching.
What has grabbed my attention now,and the last five months,is this little boy.Ethan means "strong".And he is.He is my boy and as any new father I see all his finest attributes with all the shiny newness of life.At this age he smiles easy,cries easier and forgets quickly-except for that time a couple weeks ago when I didnt catch him before he fell off the ottoman onto his head.He "talked" about it for a solid hour relaying to me his dissapointment that I could be so negligent.But he forgave me.
Its amazing to me that I can be driving to work and be no farther than the stop sign on our street and miss the boy so much that it aches.Maybe I'll miss something that he does for the first time.Maybe he just needs Pops to be around.Maybe I just need to be around him.And Momma.How is it that this little guy who wakes us(or at least Momma)in the middle of the night,who defecates himself with a proud smile and demands to be held at the most inopportune times garners so much thought and love and effection?
Then Im reminded of another child.This child is bigger and hairier(though equally bald as Ethan).This child soils himself in sin and then demands of his Father a charmed life.My Father is patient and loving and faithful.He never lets me fall off the ottoman unless there is a lesson to be learned,growth to be had.He provides a perfect example to me of the standard for fatherhood.
His image commands me to reflect as accurately as possible His fatherhood to my son.
The crinkly blue elephant has lost its appeal I must go and reflect The image.
What has grabbed my attention now,and the last five months,is this little boy.Ethan means "strong".And he is.He is my boy and as any new father I see all his finest attributes with all the shiny newness of life.At this age he smiles easy,cries easier and forgets quickly-except for that time a couple weeks ago when I didnt catch him before he fell off the ottoman onto his head.He "talked" about it for a solid hour relaying to me his dissapointment that I could be so negligent.But he forgave me.
Its amazing to me that I can be driving to work and be no farther than the stop sign on our street and miss the boy so much that it aches.Maybe I'll miss something that he does for the first time.Maybe he just needs Pops to be around.Maybe I just need to be around him.And Momma.How is it that this little guy who wakes us(or at least Momma)in the middle of the night,who defecates himself with a proud smile and demands to be held at the most inopportune times garners so much thought and love and effection?
Then Im reminded of another child.This child is bigger and hairier(though equally bald as Ethan).This child soils himself in sin and then demands of his Father a charmed life.My Father is patient and loving and faithful.He never lets me fall off the ottoman unless there is a lesson to be learned,growth to be had.He provides a perfect example to me of the standard for fatherhood.
His image commands me to reflect as accurately as possible His fatherhood to my son.
The crinkly blue elephant has lost its appeal I must go and reflect The image.