I may be slow.In fact I am slower to catch on than a slug swimming through cold molasses.But it dawned bright and sunny on me recently how much my life as been made for me.Yup,now you see how slow I am.
But wait,there's more.
You life has been made for you too(now you're beginning to wonder about me)
I dont think most of us really understand what Im saying though.We spend so much time trying to escape our lives or avoid the storyline,searching for someone elses plot.We have a bad work environment or a spouse that doesnt meet our expectations or "daddy wasnt there". But rarely do we ask "why?" Not why me? but why?The why-me's only look to the great life of everybody around them(not realizing that the "great lifers" are looking back at them thinking the same thing)and wonder why God stuck it to them so badly.
Instead shouldnt we ask what the reason is for our discontent?"What is God teaching me through this" instead of "what can I do to get out of this situation" should be our question.
We miss out.And,I think,we often go thru' the same difficulty time and again when we only seek to escape it, not unlike the prisoner who is a month away from his release and decides to escape.When caught he is returned to his cell with even more time to spend incarcerated.Sometimes doing your time and understanding the real value in it is the only way to escape.I see you raising your hand with the What Abouts? What about the abusive husband,the lousy job,etc?My friend Capt.Obvious would state the uh,obvious here.Call the cops on the husband and turn in your applications for the better job and then sit down and consider how you were expected to grow and be growing thru' this.God is in the details.God does care.He is the helicopter parent always meddeling in our lives,rightly.He has knit us together and is the Orchastrator of our lives.While spinning this earthly basketball on His finger tips He is also designing your life and mine so that you and I may grow.Living life trying to escape it is like going to the corn maze and running around the outside till you reach the exit and exclaiming "TAAA-DAA! I made it!" If your feet didnt get muddy,if you didnt reach a dead end,if you didnt laugh then you didnt do the maze and you arent living.
If you are following me so far and still interested,do this exercize with me.Be warned,looking in the mirror closely reveals many bulbous zits.Look at your faults.Sin actually,for the sake of honesty.Lifes difficulties allow you to respond according to your weakness.Or Gods strength.The more often you look to Gods strength the more often you rely on it,adopting Gods character as your own.
Your life is not a cheap suit.Dont wear it as such.
But wait,there's more.
You life has been made for you too(now you're beginning to wonder about me)
I dont think most of us really understand what Im saying though.We spend so much time trying to escape our lives or avoid the storyline,searching for someone elses plot.We have a bad work environment or a spouse that doesnt meet our expectations or "daddy wasnt there". But rarely do we ask "why?" Not why me? but why?The why-me's only look to the great life of everybody around them(not realizing that the "great lifers" are looking back at them thinking the same thing)and wonder why God stuck it to them so badly.
Instead shouldnt we ask what the reason is for our discontent?"What is God teaching me through this" instead of "what can I do to get out of this situation" should be our question.
We miss out.And,I think,we often go thru' the same difficulty time and again when we only seek to escape it, not unlike the prisoner who is a month away from his release and decides to escape.When caught he is returned to his cell with even more time to spend incarcerated.Sometimes doing your time and understanding the real value in it is the only way to escape.I see you raising your hand with the What Abouts? What about the abusive husband,the lousy job,etc?My friend Capt.Obvious would state the uh,obvious here.Call the cops on the husband and turn in your applications for the better job and then sit down and consider how you were expected to grow and be growing thru' this.God is in the details.God does care.He is the helicopter parent always meddeling in our lives,rightly.He has knit us together and is the Orchastrator of our lives.While spinning this earthly basketball on His finger tips He is also designing your life and mine so that you and I may grow.Living life trying to escape it is like going to the corn maze and running around the outside till you reach the exit and exclaiming "TAAA-DAA! I made it!" If your feet didnt get muddy,if you didnt reach a dead end,if you didnt laugh then you didnt do the maze and you arent living.
If you are following me so far and still interested,do this exercize with me.Be warned,looking in the mirror closely reveals many bulbous zits.Look at your faults.Sin actually,for the sake of honesty.Lifes difficulties allow you to respond according to your weakness.Or Gods strength.The more often you look to Gods strength the more often you rely on it,adopting Gods character as your own.
Your life is not a cheap suit.Dont wear it as such.
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