Looking across the surface of this next year-just the surface,mind you- I don't find much on this celestial dirt clod to pin my hopes to. We see the president of our country becoming more powerful while our country itself weakens. The freedom our founders spoke of and did their best to insure we have are being infringed upon by our government at the encouragement of the people who empower it. These same people are slipping their ankles and wrists into the stocks of safeties illusion. We kill babies every day on the alter of convenience and blame inanimate objects when someone decides to do a few post natal abortions.
We see churches in this land look for relevance without looking to the Scripture that could actually give them relevance. The church has lost its direction and refuses to look at the Map.
And all this could make a thinking Christian a little long in the face. But remember I mentioned that part about the surface. Our God moves above and below the surface of the dimension that we see. He is sovereign. And He plans good for those that truly love Him.
Fearlessly we can pin our hope on Him and not be ashamed.
I suspect that the church will see a bit of winnowing in my lifetime. I think we have seen the red skies of morning and not taken heed. Living Christ-like lives will soon cost us. It will cost us friendships and family, jobs and reputation.
On a personal note I have seen the huge personal cost in my life and personal/ family relationships so I'm not looking at a future spiritual battle with the starry eyes of a new recruit, ready for action. No, it puts a lump in my throat and the shakes in my hands. It, in the most real sense of the words, puts the fear of God in my bones. Spiritual battle splays one open and hacks out the evil within and out. It purifies Gods soldier and crushes the enemy at the same time. But that same purification does winnow out the soldier who liked the flash of the armor and the benefits of being in Gods Army but didn't prepare for battle. And that is hard for the good soldier to see. Its painful to see so called Christians set down the sword and walk away.
I see a spiritual battle ahead for the church in the U.S. and many won't make it. And just like in earthly battle many will claim to have fought in order to receive the benefits of being a veteran.
I'm not trying to be dramatic when I say its time for battle. The battle has been raging and the church in the U.S. has been absent. So suit up, this fight isn't against flesh and blood but against the dark forces of the world and we need to sharpen our swords.
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