Ordinary guy in an ordinary life living for an extraordinary God

Ordinary guy living an ordinary life for an extaordinary God

Thursday, August 21, 2014

For What It's Worth...

This little section (should I make it a series) might be my sitting around the campfire version of current events; part rant, maybe humor, what-ev. Basically a mini multi subject blog. Regardless, you will get what you paid for it.

From the way things are shaping up this looks to be a combo package of Trayvon Martin shooting/LA riots redux. And par for the course is the reactionary "two wrongs oughta make things right" mentality with one of the wrongs being perpetrated (in the form of looting) against an innocent-in-the-matter third party.
Unfortunately news reports tend to give fodder to what the real racists want to see to support their racism- black people behaving horribly- and the professional racists chime in and make it worse. And everyone is sacrificing lambs or preparing to. Those lambs being the business people and more than likely the cop.

How many people in the West are sickened by the recent beheadings but champion pre-natal homicide? I'd no sooner watch that vid than I would watch the recent video of an abortion counselor filming her childs demise. This is not liberal moral equivalence. This is just acknowledging that we as country are all for crushing the head of the innocent when convenient and hidden but recoil at the thought of a post-natal choice.

More ISIS-
Our country has the capability to do serious damage to ISIS. We could easily shatter their teeth and hammer their kneecaps. But our current president and the culture of our country has left us impotent. And that is nothing new. My study of wartime only goes back to the early Vietnam era but every president and politician then and since has tied our soldiers hands with political correctness. There is no sense in waging a tender war.

Health- This week scientists are saying coffee will kill you and chocolate will make you live longer. Combine the two and it neutralizes the effects of both. It's science.  Don't argue.

For what its worth, thanks for reading.

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