Ordinary guy in an ordinary life living for an extraordinary God

Ordinary guy living an ordinary life for an extaordinary God

Monday, November 5, 2012

Political Prose

I haven't put pen to paper for the purpose of prose in a very long time so, in advance forgive me for forgetting every thing I ever learned about poetry, with the exception of rhyme.

On the eve of this election
I ponder my countries direction
Barry spoke my mind when he growled out Eve of Destruction
Now they plan to take our guns
"For your protection "
When all they want is servants in genuflection
If you're a product of government school Google that for definition
Speaking of which you can make your own rendition
"Marriage' they say " is an old tradition"
The Church claims "Its the gays!"
The wise say "It's the Brides sedition!"
The Church indeed is a poor reflection
We believe we're former monkeys
Not Gods creation
While demanding He bless our nation
And sacrificing our babies on the alter of free fornication
So please, let me make this prognostication
The country won't change without a revival in the church and a new reformation
Its time to exchange pride for humiliation

So, tomorrow when you vote for faux-marriage and weed legalization
Know it don't make a difference without a heart transformation
No Obama or Romney nor government legislation can provide what you need
                   Eternal salvation

1 comment:

  1. For some reason I rapped the entire thing in my head! Love it Josh:)
